Wednesday, May 23, 2012

spinning monument again it was that bad

nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords


Haha, just kidding. I am a professional, don't worry. I specialize in weirdness.

It is very late at night, or very early in the morning, depending on your viewpoint. It's dark outside, so it's night to me. I am up very late because I am trying to write a book report, or "novel evaluation" as our communist English teacher calls it. (She's a communist.)

Anyways, I've spent six hours or so on this book report because I keep getting distracted by the internet. A prime example of this is the fact that I'm writing on my blog at this very moment. I've also been watching random ProtonJon videos and listening to Grimes, Beach House, and King Krule on Youtube. It's been pretty fun. I've been drawing random things, including a picture of King Krule in one of his music videos, "Out Getting Ribs". You should watch it. It's right here.

Alrightyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..... I don't know how to end this, so I'll just stop right here. kthnxbye

Sunday, May 20, 2012

sorry, i was spacing out

So I was preparing for AP tests, that's why I've been AWOL for the past couple of weeks. Now that it's all over, I can RELAX.... EXCEPT I have a ton of homework to do. Yay.

There's one last week of school left. Summer vacation is looming. I don't really look forward to it, because it tends to get boring.

Here is a poem:
Summer vacation is here
I will miss my classmates
I wonder what classes I'll have next year
Pray for me

No periods! I am an artist.

Alrightyy. Enough foreshadowing. Let's look to the past! So, I just finished two AP exams, European history on Friday, May 11, and World History on Thursday, May 17, (I will never forget those dates) and now I am really stressing about the grades I'll get on them. I hope I'll get a 5 on at least one of them, since there is a lot of competition about it. My history teacher even posts the names of people who get 5s each year on the wall. I feel like I did really well near the end of the year, even if I started slacking off in the middle. Although, since I didn't work hard the entire year like some people, that probably means I'll just get 4s on them. Some grade that isn't bad, but isn't exceptionally good, either.

I could go on and on about it, but I don't want to become even more of a basket case than I already am. I'll just try and RELAX.... OHHH I have a lot of homework to do!

Bye. I'll see you another time, voices in my head.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

athletic theme

Today, I got out of P.E. because my friend got me a pass to help set up a cupcake stand for a school event. We didn't actually get to set up, as it turns out. I got to hold a sign, at least. It was pretty fun. People were staring at me. We actually ran out of cupcakes. I think the day was fairly productive.

However, I went to 4th period afterwards. I felt bad for not completing any of the assignments, especially when my partner had completed one and said I needed to finish my half "as soon as possible". He's usually the one who doesn't complete assignments on time, but I never mind anyway. I can forgive him for anything.

Well, that's all. I hope to see you next time. Enjoy your day!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

so many sweaters . . . so little time

Today, I managed to finish my essay. My dad helped me a lot. In fact, he wrote pretty much half of it. I was given the privilege of crafting the finishing sentence, at least.

The weather was cloudy and breezy. I was happy that it was not too hot, and that the sky was gray. I never like clear blue skies. They make me feel as if I have nowhere to hide.

Alright, that's all for now. Maybe the weather is the cause of my mellowness, I don't know. See ya!

my armpit looks like david hockney's pool

(Above: David Hockney's Sun on the Pool, 1982)

Hello. I am currently trying to write an essay. It was too hot yesterday. Today felt like a failure, because this morning I dressed for warm weather and stepped outside, and it was raining. Basically.

So, I had to fill out my AP exam answer sheets today. It was fun. I talked to the guy sitting across from me. Actually, he asked me questions, and I answered him. But, it was fun. I got back to history class just in time to answer seven questions on a quiz, six of which I got right. Yeah.

That's all. I'll try not to be such an ass with writing posts from now on. See ya later.