Wednesday, May 23, 2012

spinning monument again it was that bad

nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords nowords


Haha, just kidding. I am a professional, don't worry. I specialize in weirdness.

It is very late at night, or very early in the morning, depending on your viewpoint. It's dark outside, so it's night to me. I am up very late because I am trying to write a book report, or "novel evaluation" as our communist English teacher calls it. (She's a communist.)

Anyways, I've spent six hours or so on this book report because I keep getting distracted by the internet. A prime example of this is the fact that I'm writing on my blog at this very moment. I've also been watching random ProtonJon videos and listening to Grimes, Beach House, and King Krule on Youtube. It's been pretty fun. I've been drawing random things, including a picture of King Krule in one of his music videos, "Out Getting Ribs". You should watch it. It's right here.

Alrightyyyyyyyyyyyyyy..... I don't know how to end this, so I'll just stop right here. kthnxbye

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